3 Reasons to MeetUp


Keep Getting Better With Your Investing

Some of you reading this would like to “up” your investments.

By this, I mean you want to better understand investing in general or multifamily investments specifically.  You want more confidence in making your investment decisions.

Me too.  I’ve been investing for decades and have learned a lot.  But, there is so much more for me to learn, to improve, to understand, to master…

How about you?

There are many ways you can increase your investing knowledge and confidence.  You can read books, listen to podcasts, watch YouTube videos, and participate in conferences.  Mike Bocanegra and Mike Jacobson and I do all of those things.

We also engage in a meet-up group as an additional way to “up” our investments.

We formed a meetup group that meets monthly for one hour and have found this helpful to us.  The others in the group also comment on the benefits they are experiencing as well.  Our group is called Strategic Multifamily Connections.  You can get access here…   MEETUP ZOOM LINKS SIGN UP

You might find a meetup like this helpful for you.

Here are three reasons for you to meet up…


Find a meetup that provides the kind of information you are seeking.  Meetups usually have a theme or area of focus. 

I am part of a team that hosts an in-person meetup in our region for people who want to learn about investing in real estate in general.  Some are new at this.  Others are very experienced.

We provide actionable content each month. 

Our Strategic Multifamily Connections meetup group is focused on investing in apartments.  We are learning from experts in this asset class as well as from each other, every month.


One of the powerful forces of the universe is consistency.  What if the sun rose every once in a while, rather than consistently.  The Grand Canyon is the result of water running through it consistently over many years. 

We write a blog article every single week.  We have learned so much by writing these and hope you are benefitting from the regular information we provide or the questions we ask.

The second benefit of a meetup group is that it meets consistently.  Some meet weekly.  Some meet monthly, like our meetup group.

I’ve run four marathons because I run consistently.  I’ve learned multifamily investing because I have been consistent in learning about apartments, asset management, finding properties, forming partnerships, and more.

One of the benefits of you joining a meetup group is consistently growing in your knowledge.  This can also provide confidence to take action with that knowledge.

Our meetup group meets once a month on the 3rd Wednesday, from 12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m. (Eastern) on Zoom.  If you would like to receive the zoom links, click:  MEETUP ZOOM LINKS SIGN UP


The third reason for finding and engaging with a meetup group is the community you will develop.  This includes meeting people and building relationships.  

You and I meet people in our meetup groups. 

We can learn a lot from sitting at home reading a book or listening passively to podcasts or sitting at our computers.  And, we can find support and challenge by learning with others.

See the word “connections” in the title of our Strategic Multifamily Connections meetup group.  Connections are important to us and they can be to you. Wouldn’t you agree? 

Apartment investing is a team sport.  I would not recommend any of us to try to do this alone. 

Over the years I have met and come to know many people through my participation in meetup groups.

I sure am glad I did.  I have grown to like many people this way.  I appreciate them.  With some, we have become close friends.  We talk about real estate investing together.  I ask them questions and share problems with them in search of a solution.

I have also found several partners for my investing business through the connections I have made.  You can, too.


Which of those three reasons for joining a meetup seem like real benefits for you?

There are hundreds of meetups that might be just right for you.  Some meet in person. Some meet virtually. 

Many are for folks just like you, wherever you are on your multifamily investing journey.

I invite you to join our meetup group, Strategic Multifamily Connections, so we can get to know each other, so I can learn from you, and so you can “up” your investment capacity.


Attune Investments provides a better return for our investors.  And we make a positive impact in people’s lives and our world.

If you want to learn more about how others are investing with us then we invite you to join our club and request a conversation with us.  See below.

We have a meetup group called Strategic Multifamily Connections.  We meet once a month on the 3rd Wednesday, from 12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m. (Eastern) on Zoom.  If you would like to receive the zoom links, click:  MEETUP ZOOM LINKS SIGN UP

Through the power of a syndication partnership with other investors like you, working with managing partners who are experienced in managing apartment complexes, you can own multifamily assets.  

Or you can choose to loan money, get in with a clear return, and get out earlier.  

If you haven’t already subscribed to our BLOG, you can increase your knowledge and comfort with this asset class by subscribing now.  It’s free.  We publish an article every week.  SUBSCRIBE HERE  And take one more step. Become a member of our ATTUNE INVESTORS CLUB in which you have more personal access to us.  JOIN HERE.