Boost Your Multifamily Investing Business


Strategic Multifamily Connections – a meetup group

Are you an investor with money to invest or an operator looking for capital?  

Do you need access to fresh ideas or different perspectives to get out of a rut?  

Are you looking for a way to learn more about multifamily investing?

Connecting regularly with other multifamily operators and professionals from time to time may be what you are looking for. And, if you meet virtually, like the four people in the picture, you can save time driving to and from live meetings.

In something like a meetup group, you will get to know folks with loads of experience.   Some of the people in this group will be just getting into multifamily investing, others might be investors looking for trusted operators, and a few could be professionals working in this space.

When we connect with others, we learn from one another and from experts in being an operator, working with commercial brokers, accessing institutional financing, syndicating, bookkeeping, unique niches in the multifamily space, and more.

We encourage one another to share what we have.  It might be an investment opportunity or a skill you have or some funds you have to invest.

Feel free to ask others.  You might be seeking a partner or a professional.  You might be looking for properties to purchase.  You might have questions that others can address.

You might consider a group that meets on the third Wednesday of each month.  Think about jumping into Strategic Multifamily Connections, a meetup group for those involved in and interested in multifamily investments.

We bring national experts in to speak with us in the odd months (January, March, May, July, September, and November).  They share with us their experience, knowledge, and perspective.

For the even months (February, April, June, August, October, and December) we are a basic meetup type group, talking among ourselves.  We raise questions and seek the insights of others.  We share our “wants and haves”.  We build relationships and do some networking.

We start at 12:00 noon and end at 1:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) in a virtual setting – virtually, on Zoom.

Could this be a time to make a strategic decision to make connections in this group of people involved in multifamily investments?


A part of Jackie’s multifamily business strategy was seeing this as a team sport.  She had tried to do it all by herself, but soon realized she needed other players on her team.  

She carefully selected an attorney and accountant to advise her.  She developed relationships with commercial brokers and bankers.  She hired the most effective property managers and staff that she could find. In other words, she was part of a team.

In addition to the above, Jackie also developed a group of like-minded peers.  She went to conferences and trade shows and met other investors and regularly met with a few of them.  She learned from their experiences and perspectives.

The people in our monthly meetup group are strategic in their investing business.  They are intentional and deliberate about how they use their time and effort.

A big part of that strategy is to stay current and to learn from the best.

The Strategic Multifamily Connections meetup group is a tool for their strategy.


This meetup has a specific focus – multifamily investments.  These might be apartment complexes, mobile home parks, or other smaller niches, such RV parks. 

Multifamily investing has some unique features and challenges.  It shares similarities with single-family but has its own issues and language and aspects.

The Strategic Multifamily Connections meetup group brings together some of the best minds in this particular investment space.  Our conversations revolve around these peculiarities and allow us to go in-depth.

John is making the transition from his single-family business, in which he has been both flipping homes and buying and holding others into his own portfolio.  He has studied multifamily investments and has taken the steps of learning all he can, meeting others who are in this space and building his confidence as a multifamily-focused investor.

He finds the information and the relationships in this meetup most helpful.


Both the information and the relationships are important in the Strategic Multifamily Connections group.  Each of us brings another piece of the puzzle.  We share a lot of information with each other in the monthly meetings, even though they are only an hour in length.  You will make connections that matter.

We meet regularly, every single month, on the third Wednesday, 12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m. (Eastern). We meet virtually which saves travel time, but we take time to get to know each other.

We make connections with some of the experts in this field from around the country.  We have talked with operators with decades of experience, with commercial brokers who are in touch with the market, with bankers, accountants, and lawyers who specialize in serving multifamily investors.

We get to know each other and deepen these relationships.  Some have begun partnerships out of this setting.  Others have found a professional to help them.


Consider this an invitation to join the growing group of people in the Strategic Multifamily Connections meetup group.  It is as simple as sharing a name and an email address.

Each month, we share a Zoom link exclusively with the people who have joined.  We do so by way of a link in an email.

So, if you want to be strategic in your multifamily investment business and develop the connections that will help you grow your business, join today.

Simply click on the link and join


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If you want to learn more about how others are investing with us then we invite you to join our club and request a conversation with us.  See below.

We have a meetup group called Strategic Multifamily Connections.  We meet once a month on the 3rd Wednesday, from 12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m. (Eastern) on Zoom.  If you would like to receive the zoom links, click:  MEETUP ZOOM LINKS SIGN UP

Through the power of a syndication partnership with other investors like you, working with managing partners who are experienced in managing apartment complexes, you can own multifamily assets.  

Or you can choose to loan money, get in with a clear return, and get out earlier.  

If you haven’t already subscribed to our BLOG, you can increase your knowledge and comfort with this asset class by subscribing now.  It’s free.  We publish an article every week.  SUBSCRIBE HERE And take one more step. Become a member of our ATTUNE INVESTORS CLUB in which you have more personal access to us.  JOIN HERE.