Take Action To Protect Your Rights – Or Lose Them

Take Action To Protect Your Rights – Or Lose Them
It was unthinkable. Thousands of tenants banded together to strip away rights of landlords to evict them and put limits on rent increases. We’re not talking about New York or California. This was in a red state which was believed to be safe for landlords.
How would you feel if you were a property owner and suddenly the government restricted how you could enforce your leases? These leases were signed contracts agreed to by tenants.
This happened in Kansas City.
Let’s take a look at the attack on landlords and what you can do to protect your rights.
The Attack On Landlords
Jeff Watson, an attorney who works with the Nation Real Estate Investors Association, provided the following background on events in Kansas City and across the country:
- Anti-landlord activists have knocked on over 23,000 doors,
- Communicated with over 55,000 households and made over 9,000 phone calls,
- Sent over 61,000 text messages,
- Stopped 919 evictions in Kansas City during the pandemic,
- And as of August 2023 they had 9,467 members in Kansas City alone.
- Tenant unions (which have nothing to do with labor unions) are sprouting up all across the US in cities like Louisville, Denver, … and so on.
A couple of years ago there was a group of tenants who tried to get rent control passed in Orange County, Florida. Some of the commissioners were listening to them.
Fortunately, there were enough landlords who also contacted the county commissioners and the rent control did not pass. The landlords were part of an organization that kept them informed of the proposed changes and they took action when required.
There is another attack already underway. President Biden has proposed a Renter’s Bill of Rights. Imagine having not just rent controls, but having to change your tenant screening procedures as source of income becomes a protected class. Or not being able to evict a tenant. Or having to accept an applicant with a criminal record. Tenant unions are not waiting for it to pass. But they are trying to get parts of it implemented in local areas.
What We Can Do As Landlords And Investors
I was never one to get involved in politics. I didn’t think very highly of lobbyists. I was blind. Some of them serve a good purpose.
If we don’t take action to protect our rights, then we will lose them.
We need to stay informed of the threats to our rights as landlords and investors. Sometimes we need to contact our elected officials and help them understand how we are serving to provide housing.
Restrictions on how we choose to do business ultimately increases costs for landlords. Those costs are either passed on to tenants as higher rent or the landlords choose to invest in a more friendly location.
It’s like being part of a volunteer fire department. Most of the time you can tend to your normal business. But sometimes we have to drop what we are doing and fight the fire.
Jeff Watson has started Housing HEROs to help landlords stay informed of the legislative threats to their business and fight back against the tenant unions. This is not part of the National Real Estate Investors Association, but is in support of the many landlords across the country.
You can learn more about Housing HEROs here. I chose to join the organization and hope that you will choose to subscribe as well. It doesn’t cost much, and it is a small investment to stay informed.

Final Thoughts
As real estate investors we are providing a necessity of life – affordable housing. Unfortunately there are groups of tenants and other people who are actively fighting to limit our rights as landlords.
We have a choice to make. We can either (1) do nothing and watch our rights get taken away, or (2) we can stay informed and be willing to contact our elected officials as needed.
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Mike is a retired aerospace engineer with a passion for real estate investing and teaching financial literacy. He lives with his wife in Daytona Beach, Florida.