Gain knowledge and Build relationships
Two of us on our management team spent the weekend at a conference in Orlando. We engaged with about 700 other multifamily investors.
This is something we do quite often. We regularly invest in our ongoing education.
We are constantly sharpening our skills and building our knowledge as it relates to investing in multifamily properties.
A big part of our time in these conferences is spent learning how other people approach multi-family investments. We learn from some of the best in the field.
This past weekend, we reviewed some of the basics, like finding properties, making offers, performing due diligence, securing financing, and managing the asset. No matter how many times we hear these basics, we always learn something new or gain a new perspective.
Some of the learning is done in the conference room through the presenters. Some is done in the hallways or over a cup of coffee or when breaking bread with other investors.
We took a lot of notes.
We asked a lot of questions.
We took advantage of the opportunity to learn about creative approaches, sources of funding, communicating with investors, and more.
This weekend is the fourth large conference or workshop we have attended this year.
Conferences are not the only way we gain knowledge.
We stay connected through our regional real estate investment association here in Central Florida. As often as we can we link up and learn in a group that meets monthly and focuses on commercial real estate investing.
We also do a good bit of reading and listening to podcasts.
We are always learning.
An equally big part, maybe even more important, was building relationships with other investors.
We have an abundance mindset and think there is plenty for all of us, that all of us can add value to the pie. We enjoy meeting others, learning their stories, discovering what is motivating them, talking through common challenges we face, sharing what we have learned.
A lot of networking went on this weekend. We will be following up with several of the people we met.
We saw a number of long-time friends and reconnected with them.
We also made some new friends.
Every other week, all year long, we link up with a small mastermind with other investors from around the country. This allows us to learn from one another throughout the year. We share ideas, brainstorm solutions to problems we are facing. We are building deep trust with one another.
We met some others who are doing motel to apartment conversions and plan to stay in touch with them to see what they are doing.
Are you always learning, too?
Share with us some of the good books you have read recently. We would love to hear what you are reading.
Let us know if you are aware of events or conferences we could attend in the year ahead. Who are some of the key leaders in this field? There are many. Who do you listen to, learn from?
How else are you growing in your area of expertise?
We would love to hear from you. What are you doing to define your “why” and financial plans for retirement? Are you already implementing some of the strategies above? Or something else?
The greatest compliment you can give us is to share our articles with a friend. You can also like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/AttuneInvestments.
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Harland leads our Investor Relations. He is a “repurposed” Pastor and Army Chaplain. He is an author, speaker, mastermind facilitator, and coach. Harland lives with his wife, Barbara, in DeLand, Florida.