The 4-Percent Rule Is Wrong

Here’s Why THE 4-PERCENT RULE IS WRONG HERE’S WHY We tend to like keeping things easy and simple.  Rules of thumb save us time when looking at investments. But they can also be misleading. A Good Tool In the FIRE movement, Financial Independence, Retire Early, the idea of the 4-percent rule has been used to […]


The journey towards FIRE is not just about retirement; it’s about gaining control over your life, having more choices, and enjoying financial freedom. Let’s revisit the steps that have been outlined and discover how we can build confidence and take practical steps toward achieving FIRE.

7 Steps in the Life Cycle of a Syndication

7 STEPS IN THE LIFE CYCLE OF A SYNDICATION The pursuit of financial independence and retire early has gained traction in recent years.  The F.I.R.E. movement teaches ways of achieving an early retirement by having more passive income coming in than expenses going out. One of our favorite tools is participation in a partnership to […]

Unlocking the Door to Passive Real Estate Investments: A Dive into Multifamily Syndications

UNLOCKING THE DOOR TO PASSIVE REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS: A DIVE INTO MULTIFAMILY SYNDICATIONS Introduction Greetings, fellow investors! Today, we’re delving into the world of multifamily real estate investments and the dynamic realm of partnerships. Buckle up as we unfold the reasons behind our preference for multifamily ventures and the transformative power of syndications. The Appeal […]

Unlocking Financial Independence

UNLOCKING FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE The Power of Passive Real Estate Investments UNLOCKING FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE We are on a mission to help guide you toward financial freedom.  In our recent episodes, we’ve been diving deep into the world of Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE). Up to now, you have realized you can reach financial independence earlier than […]

Stocks vs Real Estate, Which is Best?

STOCKS VS REAL ESTATE – WHICH IS BEST? Introduction In the realm of wealth-building, the choice between investing in mutual funds or real estate is a decision that many consider.  This week we take a look at the complexities, advantages, and challenges associated with these two well-known avenues. Both stocks and real estate offer distinct […]


MAKING TOUGH CHOICES ON OUR WAY TO FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE On your way to financial independence, you will have to make some tough choices. One of those is a choice to get control of your spending. Another is to find a way to increase your income. The purpose of both is to free up money which […]

Should I Invest For Appreciation Or Cash Flow?

How do we decide between investing for cash flow or appreciation?  It depends on the stage of life you are in.  Do you need appreciation so you can build up your “nest egg” or do you need cash flow to perhaps replace the income from your “job”? Here is the Youtube link: Here is […]

Setting Milestones On The F.I.R.E. Journey

Financial Independence, Retire Early Click here to watch the video, or keep reading below for the transcript. SETTING MILESTONES ON THE F.I.R.E. JOURNEY Financial Independence, Retire Early Transcript Mike Hi, I’m Mike Jacobson and with me is Harland Merriam. Together we are Attune Investments and today we are talking about F.I.R.E., Financial Independence, Retire Early. […]

The Power of Compounding

THE POWER OF COMPOUNDING F.I.R.E. Lesson 3 We can achieve financial independence because of the power of compounding. When we invest and receive a return on our investment, over time, both the investment and the return are growing. We explore making a single investment and watching it compound as well as making investments every year […]

First Three Steps to Achieve FIRE

Financial Independence, Retire Early Click the image to watch the video, or keep reading below for the transcript. FIRST 3 STEPS TO ACHIEVE FIRE Financial Independence, Retire Early Transcript Mike Hi, Mike Jacobson here. Harland And I’m Harland Meriam.   Mike Together we’re Attune Investments and we are putting together a series of videos about FIRE, […]

FIRE — An Introduction

F.I.R.E. — AN INTRODUCTION Seven-minute Video helps define the terms in the Fire Movement WHAT IS F.I.R.E.? Mike Jacobson and Harland Merriam introduce what is known as the FIRE Movement. This is an approach and set of actions to achieve financial independence as soon as possible. When you are financially independent you don’t need to […]

How To Achieve FIRE Faster With Passive Real Estate

HOW TO ACHIEVE FIRE FASTER WITH PASSIVE REAL ESTATE Have you heard of the FIRE movement?  Financial Independence, Retire Early. Does it sound like a crazy idea?  Or maybe something to aim for? The basic premise is to live and spend on less, and invest more.  This enables financial independence at an earlier age than […]

Set FIRE To Your Retirement Plan

SET FIRE TO YOUR RETIREMENT PLAN Is your retirement plan on track?  Will it get you where you want to be financially on time?  Most people’s retirement plans are underfunded.  Many corporate pension plans are also underfunded.  Social Security was only designed to fund 40-percent of a retiree’s income, and it is expected to run […]