Don’t Let This Happen To You

Take Action To Protect Your Rights – Or Lose Them DON’T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU Take Action To Protect Your Rights – Or Lose Them It was unthinkable.  Thousands of tenants banded together to strip away rights of landlords to evict them and put limits on rent increases.  We’re not talking about New York […]

General and Limited Parters — A Great Team

GENERAL PARTNERS AND LIMITED PARTNERS – A GREAT TEAM Often investing in multifamily properties involves a partnership of two types of investors.  Both are extremely important to the success of the investment. I have been both.  Both are great ways to access the amazing returns that multifamily properties offer to us.  Which are you?  Which […]

Could You Be An Accredited Investor?

Why Does It Matter? COULD YOU BE AN ACCREDITED INVESTOR? Why Does It Matter? Have you ever missed out on an investment because you didn’t hear about it soon enough?  Or you might have seen that an investment is only open to accredited investors? Do you ever get investment FOMO? (Fear of missing out) The […]

Four Key Elements to Consider

FOUR KEY ELEMENTS TO CONSIDER When considering a multifamily syndication. Investing in multifamily syndication can be a lucrative venture, providing opportunities for significant returns and portfolio diversification. However, it’s crucial to thoroughly evaluate the investment before committing your capital. In this blog post, we will delve into four critical elements to consider: (1) the sponsor’s […]

The 4-Percent Rule Is Wrong

Here’s Why THE 4-PERCENT RULE IS WRONG HERE’S WHY We tend to like keeping things easy and simple.  Rules of thumb save us time when looking at investments. But they can also be misleading. A Good Tool In the FIRE movement, Financial Independence, Retire Early, the idea of the 4-percent rule has been used to […]

Can You Find a Deal In This Market?

CAN YOU FIND A DEAL IN THIS MARKET? Tim Davis shares how he did TIM DAVIS HAS A STORY TO TELL You will meet and talk with Tim Davis in our Multifamily Meetup this week. Tim and his team demonstrated both patience and great negotiating skill in their recent acquisition.  You will hear their story […]

Is There A Monkey On Your Back?

IS THERE A MONKEY ON YOUR BACK? Some years ago my wife, Barb, was given a stuffed monkey by her office manager.   She kept the monkey in the car as a daily reminder that while she takes care of her patients, she should not take on someone else’s workload.   She should not put someone else’s […]

Discover 3 Benefits For Limited Partners

DISCOVER 3 BENEFITS FOR LIMITED PARTNERS Do you ever feel like you don’t have enough time to find great investments? Have you ever thought that you don’t have enough money to invest in real estate? Is it a struggle to balance family or personal life with work and finding time to manage your investments? Are […]

Insurance Q&A With Colleen

INSURANCE Q AND A WITH COLLEEN We met with our insurance broker, Colleen Pacheco, this past Wednesday in our monthly Multifamily Virtual Meetup. Here is the link to the 45 minute conversation. Colleen addresses questions such as: Colleen was so helpful in spending time with us, answering our questions, and communicating so clearly on […]

How Good Is Your Investment Advice?

3 Tips To Get Better Intelligence Before Making Financial Decisions HOW GOOD IS YOUR INVESTMENT ADVICE? 3 Tips To Get Better Intelligence Before Making Financial Decisions Have you ever received bad advice regarding an investment? Maybe it was a stock tip that turned out to be a bust. It might have been a friend or […]

Do Your Investments Have an Impact?

Photo by Nathan Lemon on Unsplash DO YOUR INVESTMENTS HAVE AN IMPACT? Your investments do have an impact. ON YOU AND YOUR FAMILY The large 128 units we purchased in Tallahassee was owned by seventeen investors who were seeking an appropriate return for the risk they were taking with their investments.  Each of us valued […]

Real Estate Wealth Without Tenants And Toilets

Here Are Three Ways To Get Your Life Back And Grow Your Portfolio REAL ESTATE WEALTH WITHOUT TENANTS AND TOILETS Here Are Three Ways To Get Your Life Back And Grow Your Portfolio Many people get excited about making money in real estate.  The TV flipping shows make it look easy.   But they don’t show […]

9 Key Elements of a 10-Minute Quick Analysis of a Complex

9 KEY ELEMENTS OF A 10-MINUTE QUICK ANALYSIS OF A COMPLEX As multifamily investors, we understand the need to move fast when checking out potential deals and making smart choices of properties on which to make an offer. We have developed a quick, 10-minute approach to checking out offerings as they hit our desk.  This […]

To Roth or Not To Roth

Did The SECURE Act Set A Time Bomb In Your IRA? To Roth Or Not To Roth Did The SECURE Act Put A Time Bomb In Your IRA? Updated April 15, 2024  As we approached the normal tax filing deadline, did you ask yourself if there are any moves  to  consider making to save money […]

When Investments Fall Short

WHEN INVESTMENTS FALL SHORT Navigating Disappointments I remember a stock I bought back in 1999, which had such promise, but it did not perform as I expected.  I lost a portion of my investment on that one. I remember a flip I did that just barely broke even after I had completed the renovations and […]

Location, Location, Location

Choosing Where To Invest In Real Estate LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION: Choosing Where To Invest In Real Estate You may have seen it in the headlines or the news.  A squatter moves into a house and it takes months for the rightful owner to regain possession of the property.  We are not talking about tenants who […]

Immediate Action Needed To Protect Your Identity

IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED TO PROTECT YOUR IDENTITY You may have heard about it.  The Corporate Transparency Act.  It might mean nothing to you, yet.  But if you own a family business, or partner with others in an LLC, including real estate partnerships, and have substantial control, then as of January 1, 2024 you have additional […]

Don’t Make These Investing Mistakes

Emotions Matter DON’T MAKE THESE INVESTING MISTAKES Emotions Matter According to Sir John Templeton, “Bull markets are born on pessimism, grow on skepticism, mature on optimism, and die of euphoria.”  It’s interesting because we claim to make our investments analytically.  But every investment decision is impacted by our emotions, whether or not we care to […]

Where Do You Think We Are?

WHERE DO YOU THINK WE ARE? In the multifamily market life cycle A QUESTION I put up a poll on Linkedin this week, asking this question, “Where are we on the multifamily life cycle right now?”  The choices were: –          Recovery after a Bottom –          Expansion up […]

Finding Creative Solutions To Common Real Estate Problems

FINDING CREATIVE SOLUTIONS TO COMMON REAL ESTATE PROBLEMS Surviving A Hurricane Have you ever imagined what it would be like to be on an island in the middle of the ocean and knowing a hurricane was heading your way? A while back my wife and I were on a cruise to Bermuda, where a hurricane […]

Exploring New Opportunities

EXPLORING NEW OPPORTUNITIES Ask These Questions Before You Invest I recently had a relative contact me who was approached about investing in a business with someone who is syndicating. They were looking for limited partners.  He was considering investing as a limited partner in this business and had a few questions.  Have I heard of […]

Multifamily: A Stable Investment

MULTIFAMILY:  A STABLE INVESTMENT So, you are considering investing in an apartment complex.  You realize there are significant beneficial features of real estate investments when compared with others, such as stocks, mutual funds, or gold.  AN IDEAL INVESTMENT Mike shared five of these benefits last week:  Income, Depreciation, Equity build-up, Amortization of the loans, and […]

Discover 5 Reasons Why Real Estate Is An IDEAL Investment

Are You Taking Advantage Of These 5 Benefits? Watch the YouTube video here. DISCOVER 5 REASONS WHY REAL ESTATE IS AN IDEAL INVESTMENT Are You Taking Advantage Of These 5 Benefits? A few years ago my wife and I were driving on our way home from a vacation.  We checked her company stock and it […]

Unlocking Success in Real Estate Investing

(Read the written blog below or view the YouTube video above. Mike Jacobson and Harland Merriam talk about these eight tips in the video.) UNLOCKING SUCCESS IN REAL ESTATE INVESTING Eight tips. By Harland Merriam WHAT BRINGS SUCCESS What brings success in life? In particular, what brings success in real estate investing? My partner, Mike […]


The journey towards FIRE is not just about retirement; it’s about gaining control over your life, having more choices, and enjoying financial freedom. Let’s revisit the steps that have been outlined and discover how we can build confidence and take practical steps toward achieving FIRE.

7 Steps in the Life Cycle of a Syndication

7 STEPS IN THE LIFE CYCLE OF A SYNDICATION The pursuit of financial independence and retire early has gained traction in recent years.  The F.I.R.E. movement teaches ways of achieving an early retirement by having more passive income coming in than expenses going out. One of our favorite tools is participation in a partnership to […]

Unlocking the Door to Passive Real Estate Investments: A Dive into Multifamily Syndications

UNLOCKING THE DOOR TO PASSIVE REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS: A DIVE INTO MULTIFAMILY SYNDICATIONS Introduction Greetings, fellow investors! Today, we’re delving into the world of multifamily real estate investments and the dynamic realm of partnerships. Buckle up as we unfold the reasons behind our preference for multifamily ventures and the transformative power of syndications. The Appeal […]

Unlocking Financial Independence

UNLOCKING FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE The Power of Passive Real Estate Investments UNLOCKING FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE We are on a mission to help guide you toward financial freedom.  In our recent episodes, we’ve been diving deep into the world of Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE). Up to now, you have realized you can reach financial independence earlier than […]

Stocks vs Real Estate, Which is Best?

STOCKS VS REAL ESTATE – WHICH IS BEST? Introduction In the realm of wealth-building, the choice between investing in mutual funds or real estate is a decision that many consider.  This week we take a look at the complexities, advantages, and challenges associated with these two well-known avenues. Both stocks and real estate offer distinct […]


MAKING TOUGH CHOICES ON OUR WAY TO FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE On your way to financial independence, you will have to make some tough choices. One of those is a choice to get control of your spending. Another is to find a way to increase your income. The purpose of both is to free up money which […]