Are you Bullish or Bearish on Multifamily?

ARE YOU BULLISH OR BEARISH ON MULTIFAMILY? How to read the tea leaves. THERE IS A LOT IN THE NEWS A couple of weeks ago, I noted many of the “bad news” articles about Commercial Real Estate.   (See: And there is a lot of what some might call “bad news” out there.   The current economic […]

Jess Wants to Invest in Real Estate

JESS WANTS TO INVEST IN REAL ESTATE Four Steps for His First Investment Re-published by request I received a call from Jess this weekend.  A very successful mid-level manager in a big company, he is in his late 20s and engaged to be married. Investing in real estate is something he wants to do.  In […]

Have you seen the Headlines?

HAVE YOU SEEN THE HEADLINES? What to do when the skies ahead look dark. LOOK AT THESE RECENT HEADLINES The headlines seem a bit dark, scary, don’t they?  “Sales plummet”, “recession”, “prices fall”, “rising rates”, “investment came to a halt”, “steep drop”, … What does it feel like in your gut when you read these?   […]

Deepen That Relationship

DEEPEN THAT RELATIONSHIP Investing is more than numbers By Harland Merriam HUGE LIABILITY You and I often have tens of thousands of dollars on the line.  Sometimes even hundreds of thousands, don’t we?  This is what it takes to be investors in multi-family complexes. Someone finds a property, puts it under contract, forms an LLC […]

Multifamily is a Rather Stable Investment

MULTIFAMILY IS A RATHER STABLE INVESTMENT VOLATILITY CAN BE A CHALLENGE Stock prices go up and down, sometimes a whole lot.  They are volatile. A painful example is the 2008 recession and the dramatic dip in stock prices.  Other investment classes also have a lot of volatility — big ups and big downs. Commercial Multifamily […]

A Hedge Against Inflation — Yes or No?

A HEDGE AGAINST INFLATION – YES OR NO? Review of a Forbes Business Council Report We all know inflation is here! Can we find a way to beat inflation? Food, housing, fuel, entertainment, and almost everything else costs more today than it did a year ago.  Rising prices are here to stay, it seems. Can […]

Secrets to Making “Just Right” Investments

SECRETS TO MAKING “JUST RIGHT” INVESTMENTS The “Three Bears Test” Whether we know it or not, you and I are making our investing decisions by using the “Three Bears Test.” You remember the story called “The Three Bears”, don’t you?  It is about a papa bear, a mama bear, and a baby bear.  They had […]

Finding a Solid Investment in 2023

FINDING A SOLID INVESTMENT IN 2023 Dwight’s journey from single family to RV parks. Dwight knew real estate was a great investment.  SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSES.  Like many investors, he started with single-family homes.  And he did quite well.  Over the last decade, Dwight bought and held several houses.  He has been able to rent each one, […]


ENJOY THE HOLIDAYS Kick your feet up.  Enjoy the holidays. We do hope you experience peace and joy as this year draws to a close and you celebrate the holidays with those you love. All the best, Mike and Harland Harland MerriamHarland leads our Investor Relations.  He is a “repurposed” Pastor and Army Chaplain.  He […]

Please Give Us a Call

PLEASE GIVE US A CALL So we can share something when we get it We won’t be able to talk with you about any future opportunity we might have, unless… Unless we have a prior, substantive relationship with you, we can’t talk specifics or give you the option to invest. We would like to, but […]

Three Things to be a Passive Investor

THREE THINGS TO BE A PASSIVE INVESTOR Know, Like, and Trust This applies for just about any investment.  It sure helps with your choice of an investment advisor if you have someone invest for you. I even think it applies to purchasing individual stocks, mutual funds, and even making a deposit in a savings account […]

What Does It Take For Success?

WHAT DOES IT TAKE FOR SUCCESS? Two things! As I write this, the potential payout for the lottery is close to two billion dollars ($2,000,000,000).  Maybe what it takes for success is good luck.  A lot of people must think so.  But do the math and you will see the odds are against them. What […]

A Day in an RV Community

A DAY IN AN RV COMMUNITY Explore this RV Park Investment Niche Come with us to a brand-new Recreational Vehicle Community in Alabama.  We spent a day with the developers, along with about 50 operators and investors. AN “RV COMMUNITY” Notice first, with me, that it is called an RV Community, not an RV Park.  […]


IS THERE MONEY IN AN RV PARK? Learn about this asset class How would you like to buy a “multi-family” asset for under $40,000 a “door”?  What if each unit on this property rented for $750 a month and had a 50% expense-to-income ratio? And what if, each “unit turn” cost you less than $200? […]

How Do You Deal with Uncertainty?

HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH UNCERTAINTY? Four Simple Steps Joe got scared.  It was the winter of 2018.  The stock market dropped almost 20% by Christmas. All of Joe’s retirement savings were invested in stocks and mutual funds.  Joe didn’t know if the value of his holdings would recover or keep going down.  But, he […]

Jess Wants to Invest in Real Estate

JESS WANTS TO INVEST IN REAL ESTATE Four Steps for His First Investment I received a call from Jess this weekend.  A very successful mid-level manager in a big company, he is in his late 20s and engaged to be married. Investing in real estate is something he wants to do.  In the long run, […]

Four Things to Do Right

FOUR THINGS TO DO RIGHT What is needed for a good deal? INTRODUCTION Come with me on an analysis of a multifamily property for a possible purchase. We will walk through a four-point checklist, kind of up at 30,000 feet, if you know what I mean. Here is how we at Attune Investments tend to […]

Boost Your Multifamily Investing Business

BOOST YOUR MULTIFAMILY INVESTING BUSINESS Strategic Multifamily Connections – a meetup group Are you an investor with money to invest or an operator looking for capital?   Do you need access to fresh ideas or different perspectives to get out of a rut?   Are you looking for a way to learn more about multifamily investing? Connecting […]

Many Ways to Become a Multifamily Investor

MANY WAYS TO BECOME A MULTIFAMILY INVESTOR Which of these might work for you? JOHN’S FIRST INVESTMENT IN APARTMENTS John started investing in apartments years ago while he was still working.  He started by finding an operator he trusted and investing the minimum amount of funds in a property near where he lived.  John had […]


LET’S DO THIS TOGETHER An opportunity to connect with others Are you a real estate investor, or want to be?  Perhaps you want to focus on investments in apartments.  You may already see the many long-term benefits.  In a previous article we outlined 5 of the benefits of multifamily investments, what some call an IDEAL […]

Have You Thought About Investing in RV Parks?

HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT INVESTING IN RV PARKS? Pros and Cons of RV Park Investing. The RV Park business grew from $5.48 billion to $6.32 billion in sales from 2020 to 2021.  This is a 15% year-over-year increase.  Perhaps you know people of all ages who enjoy RVing.  Some are young families who find this […]


WHAT MIGHT INFLATION DO TO YOUR MULTIFAMILY INVESTMENT? Keep your eyes open during the current economic turbulence. Eggs will cost you more today than they did yesterday. So will most everything else. It is called inflation. What will inflation do to your multifamily investment? I don’t know.  No one else does either. What we do […]


WHY CAN’T WE PULL THE TRIGGER? JUST DO IT! Learn how to manage your fear. By Harland Merriam (repeated on demand) Ten years from now you will be glad you made the decision and took action on it.  But, something still keeps you from pulling the trigger.  This has happened to me several times in […]

3 Reasons to MeetUp

3 REASONS TO MEET UP Keep Getting Better With Your Investing Some of you reading this would like to “up” your investments. By this, I mean you want to better understand investing in general or multifamily investments specifically.  You want more confidence in making your investment decisions. Me too.  I’ve been investing for decades and […]


3 WAYS WE KEEP OUR FINGER ON THE PULSE Making sure our investment is solid It would be nice if we could just “Set it and forget it” as the infomercial used to say.  That might work for kitchen gadgets like toaster-ovens or crock-pots. Most of the rest of real life requires a bit more […]

What are your Blind Spots?

WHAT ARE YOUR BLIND SPOTS? Don’t let them ruin your day My blind spot in the car just about caused an accident with another car on the Interstate last week.  Blind spots can ruin your day. I was pulling onto Interstate 4 and getting up to speed.  As I veered left to merge into traffic, […]

Got Capital?

GOT CAPITAL? 3 capital needs in multifamily investments You have seen the milk ad, “Got Milk?”  In the arena of apartment investing, let’s talk about a similar need, “Got Capital?” Three years ago, we found an apartment complex with a lot of potential.  But we didn’t have the $8+ million to purchase it. CAPITAL WAS […]

One Step to Create Something to Meet Your Need

ONE STEP TO CREATE SOMETHING TO MEET YOUR NEED We started a meetup to meet a common multifamily need Perhaps you are looking for something – more information, connections with people who can help you, ways to build your skills with what you are doing?  Perhaps you have a problem and aren’t sure where to […]


IS PROCRASTINATION STOPPING YOU? 2 Simple Actions You Can Take to Break Through I PROCRASTINATE I have something I need to confess. I procrastinated in writing and sharing this article.  I put it off.  I delayed.  I did other things.  I made excuses. Do you ever do any of these things?  Sometimes you and I […]

“NO” Sometimes Means “Not Yet”

“NO” SOMETIMES MEANS “NOT YET” Never Give Up A DEAL FELL THROUGH We had a deal go out of contract this week.  We’ve been working on this one for eight months, have been under contract, have been doing due diligence, and thought everything was coming together.  And then some new information changed everything. The sellers […]