General and Limited Parters — A Great Team

GENERAL PARTNERS AND LIMITED PARTNERS – A GREAT TEAM Often investing in multifamily properties involves a partnership of two types of investors.  Both are extremely important to the success of the investment. I have been both.  Both are great ways to access the amazing returns that multifamily properties offer to us.  Which are you?  Which […]

Could You Be An Accredited Investor?

Why Does It Matter? COULD YOU BE AN ACCREDITED INVESTOR? Why Does It Matter? Have you ever missed out on an investment because you didn’t hear about it soon enough?  Or you might have seen that an investment is only open to accredited investors? Do you ever get investment FOMO? (Fear of missing out) The […]

Four Key Elements to Consider

FOUR KEY ELEMENTS TO CONSIDER When considering a multifamily syndication. Investing in multifamily syndication can be a lucrative venture, providing opportunities for significant returns and portfolio diversification. However, it’s crucial to thoroughly evaluate the investment before committing your capital. In this blog post, we will delve into four critical elements to consider: (1) the sponsor’s […]

Can You Find a Deal In This Market?

CAN YOU FIND A DEAL IN THIS MARKET? Tim Davis shares how he did TIM DAVIS HAS A STORY TO TELL You will meet and talk with Tim Davis in our Multifamily Meetup this week. Tim and his team demonstrated both patience and great negotiating skill in their recent acquisition.  You will hear their story […]

Is There A Monkey On Your Back?

IS THERE A MONKEY ON YOUR BACK? Some years ago my wife, Barb, was given a stuffed monkey by her office manager.   She kept the monkey in the car as a daily reminder that while she takes care of her patients, she should not take on someone else’s workload.   She should not put someone else’s […]

Discover 3 Benefits For Limited Partners

DISCOVER 3 BENEFITS FOR LIMITED PARTNERS Do you ever feel like you don’t have enough time to find great investments? Have you ever thought that you don’t have enough money to invest in real estate? Is it a struggle to balance family or personal life with work and finding time to manage your investments? Are […]

Do Your Investments Have an Impact?

Photo by Nathan Lemon on Unsplash DO YOUR INVESTMENTS HAVE AN IMPACT? Your investments do have an impact. ON YOU AND YOUR FAMILY The large 128 units we purchased in Tallahassee was owned by seventeen investors who were seeking an appropriate return for the risk they were taking with their investments.  Each of us valued […]

Real Estate Wealth Without Tenants And Toilets

Here Are Three Ways To Get Your Life Back And Grow Your Portfolio REAL ESTATE WEALTH WITHOUT TENANTS AND TOILETS Here Are Three Ways To Get Your Life Back And Grow Your Portfolio Many people get excited about making money in real estate.  The TV flipping shows make it look easy.   But they don’t show […]

Location, Location, Location

Choosing Where To Invest In Real Estate LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION: Choosing Where To Invest In Real Estate You may have seen it in the headlines or the news.  A squatter moves into a house and it takes months for the rightful owner to regain possession of the property.  We are not talking about tenants who […]

Exploring New Opportunities

EXPLORING NEW OPPORTUNITIES Ask These Questions Before You Invest I recently had a relative contact me who was approached about investing in a business with someone who is syndicating. They were looking for limited partners.  He was considering investing as a limited partner in this business and had a few questions.  Have I heard of […]

Multifamily: A Stable Investment

MULTIFAMILY:  A STABLE INVESTMENT So, you are considering investing in an apartment complex.  You realize there are significant beneficial features of real estate investments when compared with others, such as stocks, mutual funds, or gold.  AN IDEAL INVESTMENT Mike shared five of these benefits last week:  Income, Depreciation, Equity build-up, Amortization of the loans, and […]

7 Steps in the Life Cycle of a Syndication

7 STEPS IN THE LIFE CYCLE OF A SYNDICATION The pursuit of financial independence and retire early has gained traction in recent years.  The F.I.R.E. movement teaches ways of achieving an early retirement by having more passive income coming in than expenses going out. One of our favorite tools is participation in a partnership to […]

Unlocking the Door to Passive Real Estate Investments: A Dive into Multifamily Syndications

UNLOCKING THE DOOR TO PASSIVE REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS: A DIVE INTO MULTIFAMILY SYNDICATIONS Introduction Greetings, fellow investors! Today, we’re delving into the world of multifamily real estate investments and the dynamic realm of partnerships. Buckle up as we unfold the reasons behind our preference for multifamily ventures and the transformative power of syndications. The Appeal […]

Unlocking Financial Independence

UNLOCKING FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE The Power of Passive Real Estate Investments UNLOCKING FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE We are on a mission to help guide you toward financial freedom.  In our recent episodes, we’ve been diving deep into the world of Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE). Up to now, you have realized you can reach financial independence earlier than […]

Setting Milestones On The F.I.R.E. Journey

Financial Independence, Retire Early Click here to watch the video, or keep reading below for the transcript. SETTING MILESTONES ON THE F.I.R.E. JOURNEY Financial Independence, Retire Early Transcript Mike Hi, I’m Mike Jacobson and with me is Harland Merriam. Together we are Attune Investments and today we are talking about F.I.R.E., Financial Independence, Retire Early. […]

First Three Steps to Achieve FIRE

Financial Independence, Retire Early Click the image to watch the video, or keep reading below for the transcript. FIRST 3 STEPS TO ACHIEVE FIRE Financial Independence, Retire Early Transcript Mike Hi, Mike Jacobson here. Harland And I’m Harland Meriam.   Mike Together we’re Attune Investments and we are putting together a series of videos about FIRE, […]

What Is Your Financial Independence ETA?

Can I Retire Yet? WHAT IS YOUR FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE ETA? Can I Retire Yet? Are We There Yet? How much longer? When can I retire? Have you ever asked yourself these questions?   Over time, as our nest egg grows, we might start sounding like kids in the back seat of the car on a long […]

Can You See the Opportunity?

CAN YOU SEE THE OPPORTUNITY? Excellent Deals for Multifamily Investments are Coming GOOD DEALS ARE OUT THERE The whole commercial investment space is definitely facing headwinds these days. For example… ·   Rising interest rates put real pressure on the cash flow at a given net operating income.  ·   For Florida properties, and in […]

The First Time is the Hardest

THE FIRST TIME IS THE HARDEST 3 Tips for Passive Real Estate Investing It is true about speaking in public, about stepping into the batter’s box, about asking someone out on a date, about having a baby…  The first time can be the hardest. It is also true about your first investment in real estate, […]

A Deal from Start to Finish

A DEAL FROM START TO FINISH You can learn from our experience of finding, buying, operating, and selling a 128-unit apartment complex. It was a bumpy ride, through Covid and eviction moratoriums, and other surprises.  But, we made it from start to finish.  Most importantly, our investment partners received an appropriate return. Two of our […]

MEETUP – Wednesday, August 16, noon

FROM ACQUISITION TO SALE What is it like to run the complete cycle of a multifamily property? At this week’s virtual meetup group on Zoom, Mike Jacobson and I will share a brief story of our recent sale of a large multifamily property in Tallahassee.  See the picture for a birdseye view of the complex. […]

Three Different Investors

THREE DIFFERENT INVESTORS Which is more like you? At Attune Investments, we serve a whole range of investors.  Each individual has a different goal for their investments.  Each has a different tolerance for risk.  Each has their own story. We take time to get to know our potential investors, to make sure they have the […]

Reducing Portfolio Risk When Approaching Retirement

What Are The Risks That We Are Missing? REDUCING PORTFOLIO RISK WHEN APPROACHING RETIREMENT What Are The Risks That We Are Missing? One of the greatest fears many people have is running out of money in retirement.  Sometimes fear causes us to make less than ideal decisions.  Some people put their money into an annuity […]

How to Get Started in Multifamily Investing

HOW TO GET STARTED IN MULTIFAMILY INVESTING 4 paths toward your goal Luis and I were talking on the phone this morning.  He is a college basketball coach in New England.  We worked together several years ago as he got started in real estate investing.  He bought his first duplex and has since added on […]

Finding Opportunities In Real Estate Partnerships

FINDING OPPORTUNITIES IN REAL ESTATE PARTNERSHIPS Investing is a team sport. Some of my best deals and experiences have come from investing with partners or working with others as a team. I have also seen many real estate investors appear to violate Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, regulations.  It was unintentional.  Usually by newer […]

5 Ways To Get Started In Multifamily Investing

5 WAYS TO GET STARTED IN MULTIFAMILY INVESTING Plus An Easier Way So, you want to get started investing in multifamily properties.  You see the benefits.  You think this will be a better investment.  But, how do you get started? 1.  DO IT YOURSELF. If you are someone who is bold and works well alone […]

Is Your Investing A DIY Project?

4 Strategies To Get Back Your Time   IS YOUR INVESTING A DIY PROJECT? 4 Strategies To Get Back Your Time Does your investing ever seem like a DIY project? One of our first rental property investments was a student rental in Statesboro, Georgia.  Our kids were going to school at Georgia Southern and the […]

You Can Be On the Team

YOU CAN BE ON THE TEAM Discover the power of being a partner in an apartment complex PLAYING BASEBALL I remember playing baseball with my friends from school.  Some of us had our own baseball gloves.  Almost all of us owned a baseball, often worn and ragged from use. A few of us even owned […]

How To Achieve FIRE Faster With Passive Real Estate

HOW TO ACHIEVE FIRE FASTER WITH PASSIVE REAL ESTATE Have you heard of the FIRE movement?  Financial Independence, Retire Early. Does it sound like a crazy idea?  Or maybe something to aim for? The basic premise is to live and spend on less, and invest more.  This enables financial independence at an earlier age than […]

Deepen That Relationship

DEEPEN THAT RELATIONSHIP Investing is more than numbers By Harland Merriam HUGE LIABILITY You and I often have tens of thousands of dollars on the line.  Sometimes even hundreds of thousands, don’t we?  This is what it takes to be investors in multi-family complexes. Someone finds a property, puts it under contract, forms an LLC […]